Wear Your Umbrella

Guys, if you are not married and are having sex, you should always wear a condom. Some guys say, “my pull-out game is on point.” Really?

Here’s a fact. When you are in the warm waters of the Gulf, nature takes over. You don’t know what is going on other than it feels gooooood (use your Halle Berry voice from Monster’s Ball). All it takes is a momentary lapse, and pregnancy is around the corner. Besides pregnancy, you put yourself and your partner at risk of disease. That’s just stupid!

And women, you should always want your partner to wear a condom. In Pam Grier’s memoir, My Life in Three Acts, she talks about dating Richard Pryor. During that time, they were having unprotected sex. Apparently, Pryor liked to put cocaine on his penis before intercourse. During a checkup, her doctor noticed a buildup of cocaine residue in her system. Her doctor told her this was putting her health at risk. When Grier asked Pryor to use a condom, he refused. She stood her ground, and they ended their relationship. Moral of the story, if your partner refuses to wear a condom, it means he doesn’t care about you or your health.

I know a lot of this has been said before, but people young and old seem to be getting careless. I am all for freakiness, but I am not for reckless behavior. Sex aids (pills and medicine) have gotten better, and that has caused people to make irresponsible decisions. So guys, don’t let Viagra and other sex aids make you think you are invincible. You should always use your head above your shoulders before using the one between your legs.