Facts Matter

Joe Biden was a guest on the Stephen Colbert this week and he defended some inaccuracies he has made in some speeches. The incorrect statements have occurred when he recounted some personal interactions with constituents.

During the interview with Colbert, Biden said he wasn’t intentionally trying to mislead people and the context of the message is more important than the facts. Well, that is ridiculous! Facts matter!

This has nothing to do with politics, but it has everything to do with doing the right thing. Context is great but it doesn’t mean much if it’s not surrounded by facts. Get it right and if someone points out that you got the facts wrong, don’t be afraid to acknowledge it. I think we all respect others who can admit their flaws. I have many flaws and I will point them out.

So, I tell Biden and anyone else who is too stubborn to admit their missteps – get over it! We all make mistakes. Don’t double down on the mistake. Admit you screwed up and move on.