Age is More Than a Number in Some Instances

I am all for science and the advances in medical science are amazing, but sometimes you have to push down on the brakes. According to USA Today, a 74-year-old woman in India gave birth to twins. Her husband is 82. Thanks to the science of in vitro fertilization, the elderly woman was able to give birth to twin girls.

The couple said they always wanted to have children. That’s an understandable want, but because you want something doesn’t mean you should have it or do it. Having children at that age isn’t smart or practical. In my opinion, this is extremely irresponsible.

I hope the couple lives for decades to come but time isn’t on their side. Time is undefeated and there is a good chance these kids will not have one or both parents around by the time they are teenagers. That sounds cold, heartless and extremely negative, but it is realistic.

I acknowledge that studies show that people are living longer. Also, on the flip side, tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone – young or old – but the inevitable is far more likely the older you get.

I know this gets tricky and steps on the rights of individuals, but I think the doctors should have stepped in and said “No, this isn’t smart and we have some real concerns beyond the pregnancy.” Yeah, I know there isn’t much of a chance of that happening and this mindset seems authoritative.

I am sure the doctors talked to the couple about the risks of having children this late in life but it was probably a conversation about the physical risks to the mother during pregnancy. In this case, a conversation should have occurred regarding the risks and consequences beyond the pregnancy. The parents may not be around during the children formative years or the kids may have to take care of the parents while the children are still learning and developing.

Again, I think this is irresponsible and selfish. We all want things – some wants are practical and make sense – others are dreams that aren’t realistic because time and other factors are not on our side.