Socks – the Ultimate Bastards

Socks are bastards.

You are feeling good because all of your clothes are in the wash. Then you look at the hamper, and one sock is either sitting in the corner of the hamper or just outside of it. All you can do is look at it with contempt and say, “You Bastard!”

Age is More Than a Number in Some Instances

I am all for science and the advances in medical science are amazing, but sometimes you have to push down on the brakes. According to USA Today, a 74-year-old woman in India gave birth to twins. Her husband is 82. Thanks to the science of in vitro fertilization, the elderly woman was able to give birth to twin girls.

The couple said they always wanted to have children. That’s an understandable want, but because you want something doesn’t mean you should have it or do it. Having children at that age isn’t smart or practical. In my opinion, this is extremely irresponsible.

I hope the couple lives for decades to come but time isn’t on their side. Time is undefeated and there is a good chance these kids will not have one or both parents around by the time they are teenagers. That sounds cold, heartless and extremely negative, but it is realistic.

I acknowledge that studies show that people are living longer. Also, on the flip side, tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone – young or old – but the inevitable is far more likely the older you get.

I know this gets tricky and steps on the rights of individuals, but I think the doctors should have stepped in and said “No, this isn’t smart and we have some real concerns beyond the pregnancy.” Yeah, I know there isn’t much of a chance of that happening and this mindset seems authoritative.

I am sure the doctors talked to the couple about the risks of having children this late in life but it was probably a conversation about the physical risks to the mother during pregnancy. In this case, a conversation should have occurred regarding the risks and consequences beyond the pregnancy. The parents may not be around during the children formative years or the kids may have to take care of the parents while the children are still learning and developing.

Again, I think this is irresponsible and selfish. We all want things – some wants are practical and make sense – others are dreams that aren’t realistic because time and other factors are not on our side.

Facts Matter

Joe Biden was a guest on the Stephen Colbert this week and he defended some inaccuracies he has made in some speeches. The incorrect statements have occurred when he recounted some personal interactions with constituents.

During the interview with Colbert, Biden said he wasn’t intentionally trying to mislead people and the context of the message is more important than the facts. Well, that is ridiculous! Facts matter!

This has nothing to do with politics, but it has everything to do with doing the right thing. Context is great but it doesn’t mean much if it’s not surrounded by facts. Get it right and if someone points out that you got the facts wrong, don’t be afraid to acknowledge it. I think we all respect others who can admit their flaws. I have many flaws and I will point them out.

So, I tell Biden and anyone else who is too stubborn to admit their missteps – get over it! We all make mistakes. Don’t double down on the mistake. Admit you screwed up and move on.

Silence is Grand

I like noise. Sometimes I do my best writing with the television on. I often fall asleep with the TV or radio on. For me, noise can be productive, but there are times when silence is grand. I usually listen to sports talk or new talk radio when I am driving, but recently I decided to drive in silence to various places around town.

Just hearing the noise of cars driving by and other sounds of a busy world is enough to fill my brain and provide me with some solace. It is also a great way to think. Sometimes, you need to get away from the competing voices and noises going into your head, such as the radio and the TV.

We all have a lot going on in our lives. It is tempting to turn on more noise to get away from things we don’t want to deal with – work, school, personal relationships, etc. However, driving in silence allows me to think with some clarity about some of the things I have going on in my life.

Besides thinking about my life, driving in silence allows me take in all the surrounding environment – clouds, trees, neighborhoods –  I sometimes don’t pay too much attention to when I have the radio on. Looking at nature and the surrounding environment helps me appreciate life.

So, take some time to drive or sit in silence. Take some time to observe what’s around you and listen to yourself. I think you will find some clarity when you get away from those voices that often distract us.


One of my favorite movies is “Shawshank Redemption.” It’s a movie about the struggles of life and the power of hope. My favorite line from the film is a simple but powerful life lesson: Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.”

When you are feeling low, always remember that line.

Sexism in Pleasure

You would think men would be in favor of women finding methods that can help them be more sexually aroused, and ultimately get their freak on but it appears sexism continues to rear its ugly head in sex.

According to Fortune, during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the Ose, an adult novelty from start-up Lora DiCarlo, initially won a Consumer Electronics Show Innovation Award, but later the award was rescinded and, according to the company’s owner, representatives of the company were told they would not be allowed to exhibit at the show.

The Ose’ is a robotic vibrator that can reach a woman’s famed G-Spot. Reaching the G-Spot is like climbing Mount Everest.

In the past, sex toys made for men have been part of CSE. So, why not a toy made for women. You would think men would want women to enjoy as much pleasure as men. To me, the pleasure women feel can only help men. A more sexually aware and stimulated woman is a positive for both men and women in the bedroom and outside of the bedroom.

If you look at ads on TV and social media, you would think men are the only ones that have sexual problems. We know women have sexual desire and issues, but few toys or sexual enhancements are marketed towards them. You have to wonder if guys think their role will be diminished if women have toys, pills, and other sexual helpers. If a man believes his role will be minimized, then he isn’t doing his job in and outside of the bedroom.

It’s time for men to realize that a woman’s sexual gratification is just as important as his, and it will help their relationship in the long-term. It’s is time for all the companies in the business of assisting with sexual satisfaction – most are run by men – to devote more time and resources to women.

There shouldn’t be sexism in pleasure – only satisfaction for both men and women.


You have probably heard this before, but a person who only reaches out to you when they need something isn’t a friend. That person is a non-friend or a worse – a leach. No one needs someone like that in their life. A friend should always reach out at least to say hello or text you to find out how things are going on in your life.

People who only contact you when they need something are irritating and quite frankly – jerks and a-holes. Here’s a small piece of advice: If a non-friend is using you – cut them off. Sometimes, you have to cut off communications with non-friends for your own good. It’s better to do that than to get frustrated for that person’s non-friendship.

On the flip-side, if you realize that you are a non-friend/leach/a-hole – get your butt in gear and be a friend. Stop using people. The only butt hole people need in their life is the one that is attached to their body. Be a better person. Be a friend.

Is she entitled to a share of the winnings?

There are times when the law doesn’t seem right. According to The Washington Post, a Michigan court ruled that a man who bought a lottery ticket and won must share the winnings with his ex-wife. The man bought the ticket and won two years after he and his now ex-wife filed for divorce. The court stated the two were still married when he won, and since they shared losses, the two should share winnings. The ticket after taxes is worth nearly $39 million – the ex is expected to receive nearly $15 million.

I know this is subject to much debate, but this doesn’t seem right to me. The couple was living separately after the divorce filing, so the two weren’t sharing living expenses. The two were living separate lives while they waited for the divorce to be finalized. I will say, the ex-wife is entitled to child support, particularly, since he was allegedly not making child support payments. That being said, getting such a large amount of the winnings when she wasn’t involved seems like crap.

I know the law is the law, and I understand they were legally married when he won, but I think being practical and using some common sense would dictate providing child support and some living expenses. Getting nearly $15 million – I think not. However, we all know that common sense and the law rarely intersect. In the end, he is getting nearly $24 million, so he’s not hurting.

Compromise should not be a dirty word in politics

Politics have become so divisive these days that talking about compromise is considered a dirty deal. Joe Biden has received criticism from people on the far left for stating he would speak with Republicans to get policies passed. On the other side of the aisle, Republicans openly say they are not interested in working with Democrats on bills. This is ridiculous!

Life is about compromise. There are some things that you can impose your will, particularly when it comes to dealing with yourself, but once you are dealing with others, compromise is always on the table. We compromise in our personal and professional relationships. You pick what hill you want to defend, and on other occasions, you decide to meet the other person halfway, or you decide their way is best.

It’s clear many politicians have lost their way. They care more about protecting their party than protecting the country. It makes no sense that we don’t demand compromise in politics. You have to work together to get things done. No politician should be disparaged for wanting to work across the aisle to get things done.

Sportsmanship isn’t sexist

Recently, the U. S. Women’s soccer team was criticized for drubbing Thailand 13-0 in the first round of the World Cup. The score wasn’t as a big an issue as the way the U.S. team excessively celebrated after every goal. The lack of sportsmanship by the U.S. was pointed out by many in the sports world. Of course, there were a few people, particularly women, who accused the people of criticizing the team as sexist.

Let me say this, it’s not sexist to call out the team for poor sportsmanship. The men’s team would have been blasted for doing the same. It has nothing to do with the sex of the person. In sports, you can’t tell someone not to score, but you can control the way you celebrate. Don’t try to embarrass or show up the other team. As the saying goes, “act like you have been there before.”

There are a lot of sexist things that happen in this world, but the criticism of the U.S. women’s soccer team isn’t one them. To turn this issue into one of sexism is disingenuous. Those people are just looking to complain about something.

An argument can be made whether the pay disparity between the U.S. men’s and women’s soccer team is sexist, but showing sportsmanship isn’t sexist – it is about doing the right thing.