PETA Phrases Equals Ridiculousness

Recently, PETA made headlines for suggesting new words for phrases that have a reference to animals. Per this article in The Mercury News, instead of saying “Kill two birds with one stone,” PETA advises using“Feed two birds with one scone.” Also, instead of saying “Beat a dead horse,” PETA suggest “Feed a fed horse.”

As much as I love animals, I must say this is beyond asinine. You are worried about slogans that do no harm to animals and don’t even give anyone thought of doing any harm? What is even more ridiculous, the animal rights organization suggested the current phrases are akin to racist and homophobic phrases. Really? You have to be out of touch with life if you believe this. This mindset almost leaves me speechless.

People should ignore PETA’s suggested new phrases. If PETA wants to make a difference, it should ask citizens including its members to promote conservation and important habitat protection. Promote protecting the environment –that’s how you protect the rights of animals across the world.